Monday 31 October 2011

Research Into Genre

After reviewing our film idea, we found that our film could came under the genre of psychological-drama rather than a thriller. Research into how psycho-dramas are conveyed has and will be conducted. Elements and/or techniques of some films of this genre may be applied into our film because they are more suitable for the story and plot to our film

Some examples of psychological dramas are on this website that show a list of the top twenty in that genre.

After looking at these films the most common way the film is structured is how there is one focal character and the audience follow their life over a period of time, usually at a time where their life changes such as Mark Zuckerberg in the social network; the film documents the rise of Zuckerberg as he creates the popular social networking site facebook. Similarly in the wrestler, the film shows the fall of the focal character as his life descends into a mess of health problems and loneliness. Our film is similar because it documents our focal characters life as he stalks his love interest and also has a twist in the film as the feelings are shared by the girl but no one else knows it.

This short film is a psychological drama which focuses on 'Angel' and her struggle to cope with losing her boyfriend/husband. It uses many close-up and extreme close-up shots. In our film, we also plan to use many of these shot types as it creates tension and suspense. The lighting used is quite dim. The use of dim lighting creates shadows which create a tense atmosphere. There are several out of focus shots used in the beginning of the film, these shots then go into focus on particular objects and things such as the doorknob. This is used to indicate something is about to happen as well as creating a distorted atmosphere - the audience become aware that something is not right. The mood is also set by the non-diegetic sound - music - which is quite at first then slowly becomes louder. This also indicates something is about to happen as tension is created.

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