Friday 16 December 2011

Audience Research - Survey 1

I asked my Dad,  George Hutchinson, aged 51 - a regular film-watcher - a series of questions:

Where do you usually watch films?
"On TV or DVD"

Who do you watch films with?
"Whoever's in the room with me, usually my wife."

What is your favourite genre of film?

What do you like about that genre?
"I like old-style films and it interests me how they were made. They're not made like that anymore."

What is your favourite film?
"Anything with Clint Eastwood. Probably 'Fistful of Dollars'.

What genres do you dislike?
"I'm not too keen on Thrillers"

-After telling them the film idea-
What are your opinions on our film idea?
"I'd give it a watch if it was on TV. The idea is quite unique and it would be interesting watching it for the first time without knowing the story or the twist."

What do you like about our film idea?
"It sounds quite unique. I've seen a lot of films but none that I've seen have a twist like yours."

What do you think we could change about our film idea?
"I don't know really. It's your film so I think you should make it how you think it will look best."

What genre do you think our film will be?
"Probably a psychological one. It's one that'll make you think about the story and you'll be figuring it out as it goes on."

What certificate do you think our film will be?
"A 12A or something like that."

Where do you think our film will be shown?
"It seems like one of those internet ones you get in emails. I don't think a short film would make money so it'll be free to watch."

Are there any films you think are similar to ours?
"None that I can think of."

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