Tuesday 13 December 2011

Audience Research

As our film is a twelve certificate, the age of our audience can vary greatly from ages 12 and above. In terms of genre and audience, our target audience is people interested in psychological drama - the genre of our film. Looking at other films in the same/similar genre such as Single White Female, it is possible to determine whther audiences who enjoyed that film, would enjoy ours too.

Mainly audiences who enjoy the genre of our film would enjoy our film, also, audiences who like films with a good story rather than action scenes and special effects would like our film. Films which focus on story and character development, such as SWF, The Machinist directed by Brad Anderson and American Psycho directed by Mary Harron, are watched by a varied audience and mainly those interested in the plot and twists within the plot - which our film has.

Rather than judging our target audience on age or what other films they may or may not like, we plan to research an audience using a short survey to determine what they like about our film, what they don't like and other key information about our target audience. This will help to determine who our target audience is and what's good about our film. Though our certificate is a 12, we plan to ask a range of age groups.

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