Tuesday 31 January 2012

Research into film posters

All of these movie posters have certain editing techniques in them that could be used in my own film poster idea to ensure my poster is to the correct theme and in context of our film. The first thing I would consider using is the long shot featured in the film 'Cloverfield', this instantly lets the person that sees this know this is an iconic location of the film and in fact the only location, I would emulate this onto my poster taking a long shot of the park which is where the iconic twist in our film will be based so the audience will have their attention based on this part when it arrives in the film because they would recognise the location from the poster. Much like 'Cloverfield' had all the audience interested because it had a shot of Manhattan in flames and the statue of liberty decapitated.

A technique I am definitely going to use in my poster is the close up of the main characters face featured in the poster of 'the social network'. This shows a great emotional link and highlights the importance of this character, I may use both of the characters eyes for close ups but I prefer to do one half of the poster with the close up of the male character because he is featured in the whole film and the other half is the long shot of the park.

The tearing apart effect in the poster for 'fatal attraction' could be used on my poster to show the seperation between the two characters.

Thursday 19 January 2012

Research into Soundtracks

The analysis in these videos are to look at the sound used in psychological dramas.

The sound in this video is mainly minor tone and has several long tones which rarely changes from a specific chord range. There is not much variation until the main characters voice changes. The females voice also echoes and her mouth is not moving giving an interesting tone to the females voice, which is all in her mind. The music also builds as she speaks faster and more emotion is revealed through her thoughts.

The music in this video is similar in that it is mainly long minor tones in the beginning and builds when a major outburst occurs, the music links into the characters emotions when it changes. It also builds towards the final scene then after the climactic revealing that the male character is dead the music fades to silence.

Tuesday 17 January 2012

Making day look like night

Due to the erratic nature of the sunset in winter, our shots are either too dark or too bright; we have filmed in both daylight and the sunset, both of which aren't ideal because the daylight is too bright and the sunset is too quick and there is not enough time to do all the shots we would like in that time. In the first shot it is relatively dark, halfway through the shot is almost entirely black, therefore we can't use those shots.
So I have come up with the idea to edit the shots using Final Cut Express to make simple bright days look as if it is night time. This will solve our problems with shots becoming too dark as they will ALL be shot in the daylight and edited the same to look as if it is at the exact same time. This will be rather simple and the final product shouldn't be too bad, although I assume some quality may be lost and it may not look like 'true' night, just dark blue. Although we will attempt to use the equipment and software to the best of our ability.

Although this will be pretty straight forward, I have found a simple tutorial on how this may be achieved. Using the same methods as the tutorial will be quick and enable us to get a half decent product. This may be the only way to make the daylight look as if it is night using this software. We can experiment with the software to try to get the best out of the film clip, although altering it in this way could easily lower the quality. .

Thursday 5 January 2012

Viral Advertising - Unrequited

My viral marketing idea involves the creating of a website titled laurenheigl.com in a similar format to Facebook containing a large number of photos of the female character. The site will release a new photo each day with different backgrounds from around the world which visitors to the site vote on the best one. All images of the female will show her in a candid setting where she is unaware of being photographed.

There will be banners on the site which will show appreciation for the female and make it clear that it is a fan-site dedicated to her. There will also be a choice of music for the site visitors to play which will have romantic and quite humorous songs. The aim of this viral advert is to depict a humorous, yet quite disturbing vibe for the audience and for them to questino what the film is about.

I created a site using Weebly, a free website that allows users to create their own websites. The following images represent how I made the site. The html for the site is http://laurenheigl.weebly.com/

This image shows me signing up for the site.

This image shows the naming of the website.

 Creating the website domain.

 Beginning the design of the site.

Changing the banner.

The almost complete site with different pages. This is the home page.

This is the photos page. It only has one image which implies that the male character has created himself.

This is the poems page. It contains three poems so far which are 'dedicated' to Lauren. They are about love.

This is the music page. It has typical love music which Connor has supposely dedicated to Lauren.

This is the comments page wgere visitors to the site can leave any messages either fore Lauren or for the site creator, Connor.

Photo of the week voting.

About Connor - doesn't really reveal any information about him - mysterious.

Examples of how visitors can leave comments.


Viral Advertising - Cloverfield

In terms of films and television, viral advertising has been used both successfully and unsuccessfully. The 2008 film, Cloverfield, featuring a large monster taking over Manhattan. Unlike most viral marketing campaigns this one had virtually nothing to with the films plot or characters, instead it focused mainly on the fictional drink Slusho! and the fictional company Tagruato. On July 9, 2007, producer J. J. Abrams stated that, while a number of websites were being developed to market the film, the only official site that had been found was 1-18-08.comAt the site, a collection of time-coded photos are shown to visitors to the site to piece together a series of events and interpret their meanings. Also, while on 1-18-08.com, if the page is left open long enough, the monster's roar can be heard. Eventually, www.cloverfieldmovie.com was created. The site provided both a trailer and a number, 33287, which, when texted from a mobile phone, provided a ringtone of the monster's roar and a wallpaper of a decimated Manhattan.

The drink Slusho! served as part of the viral marketing campaign. Viral websites for Slusho! and a Japanese drilling company named Tagruato were launched to add to the mythology of Cloverfield. When Cloverfield was hosted at Comic-Con 2007, gray Slusho! T-shirts were distributed to attendees. Fans who had registered at the Slusho! website for Cloverfield received e-mails of fictional sonar images before the film's release that showed a deep-sea creature heading toward Manhattan.

The viral marketing campaign created a large amount of hype before the title of the film was even released. It was a large success in terms of generating an audience.

Wednesday 4 January 2012

Viral Advertising

Viral advertising is a type of advertising generally delivered by 'word of mouth' which is free to use as a method of advertising something. Often in the form of video clips, viral advertising can be used to advertise a wide range of products, companies and films. In order to make viral marketing/advertising work, there is three sets of criteria which must be met.

  1.  Messenger: Three specific types of messengers are required to ensure the transformation of an ordinary message into a viral one: market mavens, social hubs, and salespeople. Market mavens are individuals who are continuously ‘on the pulse’ of things (information specialists); they are usually among the first to get exposed to the message and who transmit it to their immediate social network. Social hubs are people with an exceptionally large number of social connections; they often know hundreds of different people and have the ability to serve as connectors or bridges between different subcultures. Salespeople might be needed who receive the message from the market maven, amplify it by making it more relevant and persuasive, and then transmit it to the social hub for further distribution. Market mavens may not be particularly convincing in transmitting the information.
  2. Message: Only messages that are both memorable and sufficiently interesting to be passed on to others have the potential to spur a viral marketing phenomenon. Making a message more memorable and interesting or simply more infectious, is often not a matter of major changes but minor adjustments.

  3. Environment: The environment is crucial in the rise of successful viral marketing – small changes in the environment lead to huge results, and people are much more sensitive to environment. The timing and context of the campaign launch must be right. - Derived from Wikipedia (source: Andreas Kaplan and Michael Haenlein.  http://www.escpeurope.eu/nc/faculte-recherche/corps-professoral-escp-europe/professor/name/kaplan/-/research/ 

Kaplan Andreas M., Haenlein Michael, (2010), Users of the world, unite! The challenges and opportunities of social media, Business Horizons, Vol. 53, Issue 1, p. 59-68
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This piece of viral advertising is used to advertise the Blendtec blenders. The company have many advertisements, captioned 'Will It Blend?', posted on YouTube which show their blenders as the 'world's best blenders'. The clips feature several products - not typically placed into a blender - being ground down to almost dust. This particular clip involves the blending of the iPad.

The videos feature Blendtec founder, Tom Dickson, destroying a variety of expensive or unusual products, most notably the iPad and the iPad 2 as well as a tiki torch, a golf club and even glow sticks. The adverts have been incredibly successful on YouTube achieving over 1 million views per episode. A comedic element is used within the advertisements as with many viral ads. This type of viral marketing is advertising the company, Blendtec and its products. Viral advertising can be used for a variety of different things.

Tuesday 3 January 2012

Music Research (Unfinished)

As I may be composing the music used for the film, I thought I'd put up some information about what kind of music I will be creating. I've researched some music from different films with similar genres to our's. Though psychological thrillers and dramas usually have quite chilling or eery music, often played on a piano, American Pyscho uses a very different style of music.

(Yet to embed)

----- more research---------

Though I like this use of music in the film, I think it wouldn't suit our film at all as there is no comedy element in Unrequited. Instead, we've decided it would be much more effective to use a traditional pyschological-style of music.